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Push Forward

In mere seconds, a disturbance occured within the Wing. Usually, the alarms would have blared earlier, but whatever group was intruding this time was clever about their entrance.
The most that Gubo could make out were flashes that fell over him as quickly as his eyes greeted them. He was completely caught off guard. Broken glasses peeked through the blur, where his legs were covered in gashes and something in the distance was over him.
Gubo N Corp
A confrontation between a monster and someone whom he held dear was not something he wished to happen, especially not while he's down. Yet when he reaches down for his knife, he finds...
Faris N Corp
St-Stay away...You stay far away!
Gubo N Corp
...That someone had taken it from his pocket beforehand.
Faris N Corp
I don't know what your problem is with N Corp, and I'm not...going to try and reason with you about it...
Faris N Corp
But you leave Gubo out of it!
Faris holds onto the curved knife, not quite understanding how to hold it. Nonetheless, he was more than determined to keep the one he loved safe.
Gubo stll needed him. It shouldn't happen like this - He's the one who has his eyes on the raccoon. Pained, he stands up and pushes forward, closer and closer.
Rogue Inquisitor N Corp
But he was late by a split second, as a claw slashes. Monsters do not discriminate when it boils down to bloodlust.
Faris N Corp
Gubo N Corp
Faris-! No!
Something sparks in Gubo's body. The need to protect, the assurance that he can still salvage what's left. With sudden, impulsive strength, he practically lunges himself onto the intruder with gritted teeth. Their struggle reaches onto a wall, and he yells out.
Gubo N Corp
You...foolish little raccoon, acting so recklessly. The last thing I could ever need is this!
Rogue Inquisitor N Corp
This researcher had nothing but his bare fists, yet he bashes the creature against the surface. Once, twice. Again and again, until his hands break and he's certain it's over. Ignoring the pain in favor of his passion.
Even throwing the body didn't matter, as long as Faris was okay. Gubo doesn't stop to even blink before he's running back.
Faris N Corp
...I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry!
Gubo N Corp
Save such apologies. Are you hurt?
Faris N Corp
Am I hurt...? What about you?!
Gubo N Corp
That does not matter right now! I need to make sure you are alive!
Gubo looked so much worse than Faris did, and the latter knew this all too well. He shook his head and grabbed his partner by the shoulders.
Faris N Corp
It matters to me. We should go, before you...before you bleed out...
Gubo N Corp
...Before you and I bleed out together, you mean.
The raccoon persists through the pain, and pulls Gubo away as quickly as his legs can take it. They needed to take care of each other.
As they walked through heaps of broken equipment, Gubo looks around, furrowing his eyebrows. The pain was starting to show.
Gubo N Corp
Hah...What a mess. This is certainly going to cause some arguments in the next conference.
Faris N Corp
Don't stress about that right now. We can probably fix everything when it's over.
Gubo N Corp
I suppose you are right.
Faris N Corp
Just let me lead the way this time.
Gubo N Corp
...Thank you.
A weight falls upon the both of them. Gubo needed Faris much more than he ever realized. Had Gubo been alone, it would have ended terribly. Through slower and slower steps, the researcher reminds himself again that Faris loved him. Very, very much.